Shane Ferguson could be the next football player from the North to become a Republic of Ireland player. According to recent reports in the local media.If so the man from Derry would join fellow Six Counties men Darron Gibson,Shane Duffy,Daniel Kearns,Marc Wilson and Paul George in the Republic of Ireland setup. This Blog would like to wish all these men every success in there International careers.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
Justin McCamphill Is The Man To Vote For In East Antrim
Justin McCamphill is the man to vote for in East Antrim. He is seen by many as a future SDLP party leader. He is a school teacher and active in the Trade Union movement. So give this bright young fellow your vote on May 5th. He also sits on
the SDLP party executive. Give this Glensman your full support.S
the SDLP party executive. Give this Glensman your full support.S
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Peter Robinson Ideas Man
Peter Robinson who wants to be our First Minister again once paid a visit to Israel in 1984. On his little fact finding mission he was photographed with the AK-47 above. The DUP in those days were always going to Israel to look at security. After one visit they even came home and proposed a 300 mile long barbed wire Security fence. Yes the DUP wanted to put up its own version of the Berlin Wall around the Six Counties. And of course the security experts laughed there heads off at the DUP idea. Still it was a better idea than making adultery a criminal offence which a Paisley supporter once suggested at a meeting of the Prior Assembly. To be fair though I do not think he had the death penalty in mind.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Born In The USA The Barack Obama Story
Barack Obama was born in the USA. According to the Birth Certificate he released today.So let's here no more nonsense from Republicans about him being born in Kenya or anywhere else. Donald Trump and company owe the President Of The United States an apology.
Vote For Liam Logan In Bangor West
Liam Logan is the SDLP candidate in Bangor West. Thanks to changing Demographics in North Down he is in with a chance of a seat on North Down Council.If he manages it he will be the first Irish Nationalist elected to that Council.So get out there and vote for him this time. Liam is a expert on Ulster-Scots and is well known because of his work in the media. He is a good family man. Liam works in the Health service.So vote Liam Logan on May 5th. You know it makes sense.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Alex Salmond Asks For Clarification On Act Of Settlement Repeal
The Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond has written to Nick Clegg the Deputy Prime Minister asking for clarification on the scraping of the Act Of Settlement. Amid rumours that plans to scrap the Act have been opposed by the Church Of England. So are Cameron and Clegg going to bow the knee to a bunch of unelected Bishops? Or will democracy and freedom of religion win the day.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Is Donald Trump Getting To Big For His Boots?
Donald Trump the Billionaire Businessman and TV personality is letting everyone listening know he is considering running for President Of The United States Of America. But what makes him think he is good enough to follow in the footsteps of such political giants as George Washington or Thomas Jefferson? I mean the guy has never even been elected dog catcher now thinks he is good enough to hold the highest political office in the land. Even Mitt Romney was the Governor of a State before he ran for President. And yet according to some early opinion polls Donald Trump is frontrunner. I just do not get it.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Vote for Joe Boyle Of The SDLP In Strangford
Joe Boyle is a hardworking Businessman standing for MLA in Strangford. He is also a good family man who will make a cracking MLA. He is also well known in local GAA circles. We need more people like Joe elected to political office. So vote For Joe Boyle on May 5th in Strangford you know it makes sense.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Maggie Ritchie Not As Bad As Usual
Last nights UTV debate between the leaders of the main parties here wasn't to bad. Peter Robinson managed to put all his family problems behind him. Martin came over well as a potential First Minister in waiting. And Maggie Ritchie was as good as Maggie Ritchie is likely to get. David Ford dropped a major clanger with water charges. The spat between Tom Elliott and Peter Robinson shows Unionist Unity is very much a long way off. Lets hope in two weeks time when all the votes are counted we get a good result.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Greedy Gregory Campbell Of The DUP
If one politican gets on my goat it is Greedy Gregory Campbell the DUP scumbag. This parasite rakes in the money by having three jobs. He is a nasty hate filled bigot of the DUP old school. He even wanted a memorial for Sam English a player for Glasgow Rangers FC whose only claim to fame is he killed by accident the Glasgow Celtic player John Thompson. What a vile nasty worm this man is. If you happen to have a vote in East Derry please don't vote for this poor excuse for a human being.
David Cameron Wants To Scrap The 1701 Act of Settlement
David Cameron wants to scrap the 1701 Act Of Settlement banning Roman Catholics from becoming British head of state. The last Roman Catholic King was James the Second who was removed in 1688.Mr Cameron has said he would also like scrap the law giving precedence to male heirs,which has come under increased pressure with the upcoming royal wedding.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Three UCUNF Candidates Now Backing The Alliance Party
Three former UCUNF candidates in last years Westminister election now endorse the Alliance Party. Harry Hamilton the Freddie Mercury impersonator turned UCUNF candidate for Upper Bann is now the Alliance party candidate for Stormont. Paula Bradshaw the UCUNF candidate for South Belfast is now standing for Stormont on a Alliance party ticket. Last but not least is Ian Parsley the UCUNF candidate in North Down for Westminister but he isn't standing in North Down this time.
DUP Want Charities To Run Prisons
The DUP want charities or private companies to run prisons here. Borrowing an idea from David Cameron and Barack Obama the charities or private companies would be paid according
to whether re-offending rates for ex-prisoners were slashed. Robinson says that there
were “private groups already working in health” and added that it made sense to involve private companies if they could do a
better job than government for less money.
to whether re-offending rates for ex-prisoners were slashed. Robinson says that there
were “private groups already working in health” and added that it made sense to involve private companies if they could do a
better job than government for less money.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Edward Carson Just Not Good Enough
Edward Carson is just not important enough for a plaque in his honour. This is according to English Heritage. The Dublin born lawyer was Ulster Unionist leader during the Home Rule crisis. A panel chaired by historian Professor Sir
David Cannadine selects about 12 names a
year to be honoured on new plaques. Mr Carson was not one of them.The panel said Carson's career "in British
politics was not sufficiently outstanding to
justify commemoration". I wonder what Ian Paisley thinks of that?
David Cannadine selects about 12 names a
year to be honoured on new plaques. Mr Carson was not one of them.The panel said Carson's career "in British
politics was not sufficiently outstanding to
justify commemoration". I wonder what Ian Paisley thinks of that?
Enda Kenny To Discuss 50-50 PSNI Recruitment With David Cameron
Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny is to discuss 50-50 recruitment to the PSNI today. In a meeting with David Cameron the British Prime Minister. Lets hope the message gets through. If Young Nationalists and Republicans want to join the PSNI the British Government should be making it easier for them not putting barriers in their way.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Vote Yes For AV On May 5TH
I fully support the changing of the electoral system for electing MP's to Westminister. First past the post is out of date and should be binned. AV may have its flaws but it is as good as we are likely to get in the short term. Westminister is long overdue real reform. AV has the support locally of Sinn Fein and the SDLP and Alliance parties. Those who oppose it are the DUP and UUP.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Fuel Poverty Rate At More Than 50% In The North
Recent figures put fuel poverty in the North at more than 50%. Research shows that fuel poverty leads to bad health and other social ills. We pay more than £350 more than those living in England, Scotland or Wales. Wild fluctuations of price of heating oil of up to 40% make things difficult for our Senior Citizens. In this day and age should people really have to decide between heating their home in winter and feeding themselves? And what is Stormont going to do about it?
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Jerry Seinfeld And The Royal Wedding
American comedian Jerry Seinfeld had his say this morning on the Royal Wedding on British Television below is what he said.
You know, it’s a dress-up. It’s a classic English thing of lets play dress-up. Let’s pretend that these are special people. OK, we’ll all pretend that – that’s what theatre is,' he continued. 'That’s why the British have the greatest theatre in the world. They love to dress up and they love to play pretend.
'Yes, I’m very excited. Well it’s a circus act, it’s an absurd act. 'And that’s what the Royal Family is – it’s a huge game of pretend. These aren’t special people - it’s fake outfits, fake phoney hats and gowns.'
Seinfeld added: 'It’s fantastic. We don’t have anything like that.
Read more:
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Unemployment Is Up Again In The North
I see according to new figures unemployment has increased again in the North. It now stands at 59,000 for March. Estimates for December 2010 - February 2011 show that 47.2% of those unemployed in the North have been unemployed for one year or more. And the unemployment rate for 18-24 year olds is 20.3% this is a disgrace and is it not about time our politicians did something about it.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Why Magdalena Wolska Deserves Our Support
I don't normally vote SDLP but if I had a vote in East Belfast I would vote for Magdalena Wolska as MLA. This bright young woman is not originally from this country she is from Poland. She comes from a family who made a brave stand against Communism as part of the Solidarity trade union movement. She is also running as a candidate in the Victoria ward for Belfast City Council. So good luck to her and I hope many people get out and vote for her on May 5th.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Why Was Jeffrey Donaldson Invited To A Tory Party Dinner?
DUP MP and movie buff Jeffrey Donaldson was a recent guest at a dinner for top Tory party donors in Scotland. Does this mean UCUNF is dead and the Tories are now looking at the DUP as it's new political partner in the North? If recent stories about rifts in the Tory/LibDem alliance are true maybe the Tories will need all the political help they can get.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Was Ian Paisley Junior's Phone Hacked By The News Of The World?
Ian Paisley Junior may have had his phone calls intercepted in 2007.By reporters working at the News Of The World.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
DUP Want To Reduce Corporation Tax to Just 10%
Mr Peter Robinson has said he wants to reduce the Tax on Business in the North. From the current 26% to just 10%. Which is 2% less than in the Republic of Ireland.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
David Cameron Says Sorry
Britain is responsible for many of the world’s historic problems, including the conflict in Kashmir between India and Pakistan, David Cameron has said. The Prime Minister appeared to distance himself from the imperial past when he suggested that Britain was to blame for decades of tension and several wars over the disputed territory, as well as other global conflicts.
Why not name the others while your at it Dave?
Why not name the others while your at it Dave?
Monday, 4 April 2011
Denis O'Brien And The SDLP
It seems that Fine Gael are not the only party to take money from the Billionaire Businessman Denis O'Brien. The SDLP have also taken a sum of cash from him in order to help set up a New York office. And he also attended a SDLP Business Breakfast in Belfast.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Fine Gael Big Money Comes From Same Source As Fianna Fail's Big Money
A Fine Gael fundraising dinner in New York City in 1995 raised them a lot of cash. Those who think Fine Gael are squeaky clean compared with Fianna Fail when it comes to taking money from Big Business interests may not wish to read this article in todays Sunday Independent.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Another Election Season
We are now entering a new election season. And soon we will have politicians on our doorsteps and our TV screens. God only knows where they will show up next? Well at least we will have a stable Government here until the next big political crisis cooked up by the adrenaline junkies we call political leaders. It seems that all the parties here now want to make our childrens future education the next big issue.
The Smith's Southern Comfort
I see according to the Irish Independent that the pop group The Smiths were under the protection of the Irish Government in 1984. Including on the Belfast leg of their tour. Nice to see cross border co-operation existed even before the Anglo-Irish Agreement.