Saturday, 31 December 2011

SNP Membership Hits The 20,000 Mark

Party officials added that with 20,139 members, the number of people in the SNP was now more than double the total eight years ago, when it was 9,450. They said almost 4,000 new members had signed up over the course of 2011.
Ms Sturgeon said: "Our 20,000-membership milestone is the icing on the Christmas cake for the SNP."
She added that the party's record membership came after a "momentous year for Scottish politics and for the SNP", with the nationalists securing an historic overall majority at Holyrood in May's election.
She continued: "With 20,000 members all working to make Scotland better, the SNP is now the largest party in Scotland and is increasingly the natural choice of those wanting to build a better Scotland.
"We are winning new members and public support as voters recognise the successes of the SNP in Government and our commitment to make Scotland smarter, fairer and wealthier."

Friday, 30 December 2011

NBC Opinion Poll Of Likely Caucus Goers In Iowa

Mitt Romney 23%
Ron Paul 21%
Rick Santorum 15%
Rick Perry 14%
Newt Gingrich 13%
Michelle Bachmann 6%

Thursday, 29 December 2011

CNN/TIME New Hampshire Opinion Poll

Mitt Romney 46%
Ron Paul 16%
Newt Gingrich 14%

New Iowa Opinion Poll Shows Mitt Romney In The Lead

CNN/TIME Magazine Opinion Poll
Mitt Romney 25%
Ron Paul 22%
Rick Santorum 16%
Newt Gingrich 14%

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

86% Think The Scottish Parliament Should Raise Most Of The Money It Spends

Reform Scotland asked 811 people – sourced from its distribution lists and via Twitter – a range of questions about independence and devolution.
Asked if they thought the Scottish Parliament should be responsible for raising the majority of the money it spends, 86 per cent of those questioned said yes. A majority answered yes across the political parties, although about 54 per cent of the sample declared themselves SNP supporters.
Two-thirds (66 per cent) of those questioned said they would vote “yes” for independence if presented with a straight-forward yes or no question on whether the UK should be broken up. That contrasts with the lower levels of support for independence recorded by polls with random and larger samples.

Newt Gingrich Supported Romneycare In 2006

“The most exciting development of the past few weeks is what has been happening up in Massachusetts. The health bill that Governor Romney signed into law this month has tremendous potential to effect major change in the American health system. We agree entirely with Governor Romney and Massachusetts legislators that our goal should be 100 percent insurance coverage for all Americans.” Newt Gingrich in 2006.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Leading Civil Servant Questions The Future Of The United Kingdom

Britain's most senior civil servant Sir Gus O’Donnell has publicly questioned whether the United Kingdom will still exist in a few years’ time. The leading Whitehall figure is worried about the political rise of Scottish Nationalism. Mr O'Donnell was speaking out in the Daily Telegraph.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Ron Paul Leads In Iowa According To New Opinion Poll

The Public Policy Polling telephone survey of 597 likely Republican caucus voters in Iowa found Mr. Paul, a congressman from Texas, leading with 23% of the vote, followed by 20% for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and 14% for Newt Gingrich.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Mitt Romneys Hard Times

Mitt Romney has told supporters of his hard times while in France as a Missionary for his church. How he had to use a bucket to go to the lavatory and a hose in order to have a shower.But the Republican
 presidential hopeful spent a significant portion of his 30-month mission in a Paris mansion described by fellow American
missionaries to The Daily Telegraph as “palace”. It featured stained glass windows, chandeliers, and an extensive art collection. It was staffed by two servants – a Spanish chef and a houseboy.
Although he spent time in other French cities, for most of 1968, Mr Romney lived in the Mission Home, a 19th century neoclassical building in the French capital’s chic 16th arrondissement. “It was a house built by and for rich people,” said Richard Anderson, the son of the mission president at the time of Mr Romney’s stay. “I would describe it as a palace”.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Alex Salmond Polls Well With Lib Dem Voters

Over half of Lib Dem voters are satisfied with Alex Salmond's performance as First Minister according to the latest poll from Ipsos Mori.
Showing how out of touch the Lib Dem leadership is with their own voters 56% of Lib Dem voters are satisfied with Alex Salmond's performance in spite of the continued negativity toward the First Minister from the Lib Dem leadership.
The latest Ipsos MORI poll revealed that satisfaction rates for the SNP leader were sitting at 62% - more three times higher than Willie Rennie of the Lib Dems and 44 points ahead of new Tory leader Ruth Davidson.
Commenting on the figures SNP MSP for Aberdeenshire West Dennis Robertson said
“This latest poll shows continuing public support for Alex Salmond as Scotland's First Minister with high satisfaction ratings across the country and support across all parties.
"Whilst Willie Rennie and Michael Moore seek to do Scotland and the Scottish government down, their voters continue to back Alex Salmond as a First Minister who speaks up for Scotland and shares their ambitions.
Scotland's Lib Dem leadership is increasingly out of touch with its own supporters.
"With the Lib Dems giving Alex Salmond a positive approval rating, more Tories favouring the First Minister than support their own party leader in Scotland and even 40% of Labour voters backing Alex Salmond there is continued support across the country for his actions and the leadership of the SNP in Government.
"As Lib Dems struggle once again to come to terms with the failure of their leadership to hold back the actions of the Tory coalition government it is no surprise that they are turning to a party and a leader with conviction and a clear vision for Scotland. "

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Max Keiser Attacks David Cameron

Max Keiser the star of the Keiser Report on RT said“In real terms, I see the British economy suffering tremendously, because they’ve totally isolated themselves from the rest of the global financial system by, again, protecting their own cadre of fund managers and completely lax regulatory environment,” Keiser said.
“Let me repeat, MF Global – the Jon Corzine billion-dollar scandal – went through London. AIG, a multi-billion dollar scandal, went through London. The Lehman Brothers Scandal went through London. It is the world’s capital of fraud. David Cameron knows that. That’s who pays for his re-election campaign: he’s financed by bank frauds. That’s who he protects. Now he wants the world to finance the City of London while at the same time he’s not going to participate in the overall Euro project. It’s not going to work. This is his death sentence.”
It's a suicide move by Cameron, Max Keiser concluded – one which "will finish his Prime Ministership.”

Mitt Romney Betting Man

The former Governor of Massachusetts, who is thought to have amassed a personal fortune of about $250 million (£160 million) as a private equity executive, offered to pay Rick Perry the money if he could prove that Mr Romney once favoured forcing people to buy health insurance.
“You're simply wrong, Rick,” Mr Romney said, during a TV debate in Des Moines, Iowa. “I'll tell you what,” he added, offering his hand. “Ten-thousand bucks? A ten-thousand dollar bet?” Rick Perry replied: “I'm not in the betting business.”

Saturday, 10 December 2011

SNP Have Twice As Many Voters As Labour According To New Poll

A survey by Ipsos MORI says 51% of people certain to vote would support the SNP in a Scottish Parliament election.
Support for Labour was down to 26%, with the Scottish Conservatives on 12% and Liberal Democrats on 8%. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called the poll "sensational" and a ringing endorsement of Alex Salmond's government.

She said: "The SNP now has the support of over half the electorate, and there is growing support for Scotland having the full range of job-creating powers we need to boost jobs and recovery, protecting the NHS frontline services and becoming an equal and independent country."

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The Three Wives Of Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich has been married three times. He married his first wife Jackie Battley in 1962 when Newt was 19 years old and Jackie was 26 years old. Jackie was Newt's former Geometry teacher. In 1980 they got divorced. In 1981 Newt married Marianne Geither this marriage lasted until the year 2000 when they got divorced. In that same year Newt married Callista Bisek a woman 23 years his junior who once worked as a staffer in the House Of Representives.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Support For Scottish Independence Increases Again

The results of the annual Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (SSA), presented today, show 32 per cent are now in favour of independence, up from 23 per cent last year to a level of support not seen since 2005.
The poll also found support for all decisions being made in Scotland has leaped 15 points to 43 per cent, while 29 per cent backed control over everything apart from defence and foreign affairs being passed to Scotland – the option often referred to as “devolution max”.
Meanwhile, the survey found the price of independence is just £500 – with 65 per cent in favour if everyone was a few hundred pounds better off as a result.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Latest Red C Opinion Poll

FG 32 (+1)
FF 18 (+4)
Lab 15 (-2)
SF 15 (-1)
GR 1 (NC)
Oth 18 (-3)

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Michael Gove Has Fairly Changed His Tune

Michael Gove seen in the photograph above taking part in a NUJ picket during a Strike in the late 1980's. Now of course he is the Tory Minister of Education and a critic of Strikes by public sector workers like teachers.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Charlotte Church Sang At Rupert Murdoch's Wedding For Favourable Coverage By His Newspapers

According to Charlotte Church "When I was 13 I was asked to perform at Rupert Murdoch's wedding in New York. When it came to the payment for my work, my management at the time informed me that either there would be a £100,000 fee (which was the biggest fee I'd ever been offered) or if the fee for my performance was waived, I would be looked upon favourably by Mr. Murdoch's papers. Despite my teenage business head screaming "think how many tamogotchies you could buy!!", I was pressured into taking the latter option. This strategy failed... for me. In fact Mr Murdoch's newspapers have since been some of the worst offenders, so much so that I have sometimes felt that there has actually been a deliberate agenda."

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Newt Gingrich Wins Coveted New Hampshire Union Leader Newspaper Endorsement

Newt Gingrich the former Speaker of the House Of Representives has won the backing of New Hampshire's leading newspaper."We don't back candidates based on popularity polls or big-shot backers. We look for conservatives of courage and conviction who are independent-minded, grounded in their core beliefs about this nation and its people, and best equipped for the job,' the newspaper editorial said.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Bad News For Mitt Romney

A new poll by Pew shows that many Americans have a very poor opinion of Mitt Romney's religon. A third of Republicans polled said that Mormonism is not a Christian religion.
Two-thirds of Americans say they believe the faith is “very different” from their own beliefs.
Those who expressed a negative view of Mormonism used words like “cult” and “strange” to describe it.

Monday, 21 November 2011

EuroMillions Winners Donate 1 Million Pounds To Scottish Independence Campaign

Colin and Chris Weir are the Scottish couple who won 161 million pounds in the EuroMillions lottery. The Weirs confirmed this morning they are donating £1 million from their winnings to the SNP's independence campaign. The money will sit alongside the £900,000 the party has also received from the estate of the poet Edwin Morgan, Scotland's late Makar (poet laureate), which was announced last month. Good news for the Scottish Independence campaign.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

63% Of People In England Would Describe Themselves As English Rather Than British

A recent study has found that the number of people in England who would now describe themselves as English rather than British rose to 63%, as opposed to 41% in 2008.
The YouGov poll also discovered that just 20% of the UK population preferred a British identity to any other, down from 42% three years ago.
The poll, taken last month, appears to show that English nationalism is on the rise at the same time as Scottish nationalism is the predominant force in politics north of the border. Which is not good news for those who believe in a Union of Scotland and England.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Hate Crime In Scotland Increases By 10%

The data shows 58% of these crimes were against Catholics with 37% of recorded crimes against Protestants. The anti-sectarianism charity Nil By Mouth said there was a need for a nationwide debate on how to tackle the problem.
Campaign director Dave Scott said: "It's particularly worrying that 60% of those convicted are under 30. We cannot lose another generation to the battles of the past.
"With convictions secured in 27 out of 32 local authority areas its clear we need a real nationwide debate on how we tackle sectarianism and it's root causes.
"It goes beyond our football terraces and into our workplaces, communities, institutions and home and we call on our government, parliament and civic society to help us create a nationwide action plan to rid our country of this shame forever."

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Peter Robinson Rejects Prison Reforms

Peter Robinson has threatened to resign as First Minister if reforms of the prison service go ahead. What has upset Peter most is the proposals of removing the title Her Majesty's Prison from prisons in the North and the Royal Crown from the uniform of prison officers here. He says he will call an election if the Justice Minister David Ford pushs forward with these modest reforms. Mr Robinson is afraid of Jim Allister the TUV leader who brought the subject up in the Assembly. The question is though if these reforms are rejected alongside 50/50 recruitment what reforms will be acceptable to both sides of the community here?

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Sinn Fein Agriculture Minister To Sever Links With UK Body

Michelle O'Neill the Sinn Fein minister for Agriculture has sent a letter to Seafish saying she wants to sever Northern Ireland’s links with the UK-wide food body . “My department is considering options for the promotion of all locally-produced food and drink, including seafood, and part of that consideration is to have an all-island dimension in any future strategy.
“I do no see any circumstances where Seafish would be part of those alternative local arrangements and as a consequence I don’t think that a meeting with the chairman and chief executive would be helpful to our considerations at this time.”

Friday, 11 November 2011

The Letter From The Tory Party Chairman To Tom Elliott Leader Of The UUP

Dear Tom,

I was delighted to see you and a number of your members at our recent conference in Manchester. It was a welcome reminder of the numerous policies and beliefs which our two parties hold in common, and indeed prompted me to reflect on the UCUNF project which brought us together at the last general election. This project was an important stepping stone towards our ambition of delivering mainstream Westminster politics to the people of Northern Ireland.
My own view is that we now need to move this forward to the next stage. However, I do not think that the UCUNF model is the right one for the future, given the complexity of a ‘two-headed’ approach to party management and campaigning.
My aim is straightforward — to provide the people of Northern Ireland with the opportunity to vote for a centre-right, free-market, pro-Union party which will make their vote meaningful within the context of national UK politics. We want to reach out to everybody in Northern Ireland regardless of background and tradition. We also want such a party to be unencumbered by the conflict and divisions in Northern Ireland’s past.
So my suggestion is this: that we take urgent steps to execute what would be in effect a full merger of our two parties under the banner of Conservatism and Unionism.
In broad terms this would mean:
1. The creation of a new party called the Northern Ireland Conservative and Unionist Party (NICUP). The constitution would have to be drafted to make it consistent with the constitution of the United Kingdom Conservative Party (“the Conservative Party”).
2. NICUP would have a relationship with the Conservative Party along the lines of that of the Welsh and Scottish Conservatives with the following key elements:
a) NICUP members would elect the leader in Northern Ireland and would make rules regarding the election or appointment of the chairman or other officers.
b) NICUP members would be entitled to vote for the leader of the Conservative Party.
c) NICUP would be entitled to a representative on the board of the Conservative Party.
d) NICUP would enjoy full access to all of the campaigning resources and techniques of the Conservative Party including the allocation of budget for the establishment of a professional campaign team in Northern Ireland working alongside the national campaigning team based in London.
3. The existing Northern Ireland Conservative Party would be dissolved and its members would automatically become members of the NICUP.
4. The UUP would be dissolved and its members would automatically become members of the NICUP.
This would create an entity which any elector in Northern Ireland will be free to join. It would seek to contest and win elections at every level. All those elected (or appointed) will be subject to the whip of either NICUP or the Conservative Party depending on the forum.
This is a bold proposal and there will be detail to be worked out. Nevertheless, I think it is important that we move quickly to a position where we are at least agreed in principle that this is the correct way to proceed. I am sure that you will wish to consult widely within your own party to see if this is a step that you can take.
From my side, this offer is made with the express approval of the prime minister, the board of the Conservative Party, as well as the chairman of the Northern Ireland Conservative Party, Irwin Armstrong.
I would ask that you revert to me with an agreement in principle to proceed by Christmas. We then need to set a timetable to complete the merger by the early part of next year. This will give us sufficient time to prepare the ground for our campaigns in the European elections in 2014, the general election, assembly elections and local elections in 2015.
I sincerely hope that you and your party are able to embrace this opportunity to bring national politics to the people of Northern Ireland.
With best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Lord Feldman of Elstree

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Tory Chairman Calls For The Disbandment Of The UUP

The letter was sent by Conservative Party chairman Lord Feldman to UUP Leader Tom Elliott.
Lord Feldman states that the UUP would be dissolved early next year and would be replaced by a Conservative-led party which would operate along the lines of the parties in Scotland and Wales.
It is understood the idea has the backing of the Prime Minister David Cameron, the board of the Conservative Party, as well as the chairman of the Northern Ireland Conservative Party. Tom Elliott the UUP leader does not however support the idea.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

President Sarkozy Of France Calls The Prime Minister Of Israel A Liar

Mr Sarkozy was speaking to President Obama at the G20 Summit.
As the conversation drifted to Israel, Mr Sarkozy is reported to have said: “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar.”
Mr Obama did not challenge the assertion, instead replying: “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day.”

Sunday, 6 November 2011

More On The Resignation Of Paul McBride QC From The Scottish Tories

Paul McBride also said this about his former political party "Alex Salmond must be thrilled. The Scottish Conservative party stands for nothing and opposes everything, they are in terminal decline. At least the SNP are trying to do something about sectarianism and the alcohol culture in Scotland. They may not succeed but they are making an effort to do the right thing.”

Top QC Quits Scottish Tories Over Their Performance On Criminal Justice

Top QC Paul McBride said: “It had nothing to do with Ruth winning. I resigned over their performance on criminal justice, in particular their approach to the Offensive Behaviour Bill.
“They are the most moronic, dysfunctional, introspective bunch of MSPs I’ve ever seen.
“They have no interest in the people of Scotland. Their only interest is their careers.
“I’m joining the 87 per cent of the population who don’t agree with a word they say.”

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Doctor Alasdair McDonnell Is The New Leader Of The SDLP

The MP for South Belfast Doctor Alasdair McDonnell has become the new leader of the SDLP.

Alex Salmond Says The Scottish People Are Now In The Driving Seat

Mr Salmond was speaking at the SNP Annual conference at Inverness.
Alex Salmond said: "The days of Westminster politicians telling Scotland what to do or think are over. The Scottish people will set the agenda for the future. No politician, and certainly no London politician, will determine the future of the Scottish nation. The people of Scotland – the sovereign people of Scotland – are now in the driving seat."

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Bill Gates Backs Tobin Tax

The Billionaire founder of Microsoft Bill Gates has backed a Tobin Tax. He will tell a meeting at the G20 summit that he supports a Tax on financial transaction's. There is a lot of political support for some sort of tax in continental Europe. There is, however, a lot of resistance in Britain and the United States.
But the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble has suggested it could go ahead in just the eurozone.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

SDLP Leadership Contest The Latest Odds From Paddy Power

Alex Attwood 11/8
Patsy McGlone 7/4
Conal McDevitt 3/1
Alastair McDonnell 6/1

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Jeremy Paxman Has Another Go At Scottish Independence

Writing in the Radio Times he said: "The United Kingdom is an imperial creation, invented after Scotland had been almost bankrupted by a crackpot attempt to create an empire of its own.
"Joining forces with the English was a much better bet, and Scots became ferocious British imperialists.
"Is it any wonder that with the British Empire reduced now to 14 tiny blobs on the world map, Alex Salmond and the Scottish Nationalists have their tails up?"

Next Irish President The Latest Odds From Paddy Power

Michael D Higgins 2/5
Sean Gallagher 7/4
Martin McGuinness 25/1
David Norris 33/1
Gay Mitchell 66/1
Mary Davis 300/1
Dana 300/1

Interview Between Rachael English And Sean Gallagher On 20/10/2011

Gallagher: I was asked by Fianna Fail Headquarters of which I was a party member at the time in 2008 which is no secret if I would mention it to local business people which I did. 

English: So you rang people up and invited them?

Gallagher: No, people that I met, I explained that there was this event coming up. I have to make it very clear, I sought no money, I received no money from anybody, that was dealt with by Headquarters Fianna Fail Headquarters. I also want to make it very clear that while I attended the event I was not asked for money, I made no contribution myself in either a personal capacity or as a corporate donation either before the event, during the event, or after the event.

English: How many people did you invite?

Gallagher: I think I mentioned to possibly three or four people, and I have no idea to this day whether or not they made a donation whatsoever.

English: Does this not though invite further scepticism about your links with Fianna Fail?

Gallagher: Well I think that has been well trashed out and it's an ongoing issue that keeps coming up. I mean I have made it clear numerous times that I was involved in Fianna Fail in 2007, 2008 and for a short period in 2009.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Full Statement By Hugh Morgan Given To RTE

I wish to clarify and set the record straight in relation to the dealings I had with Sean Gallagher which resulted in my attendance at a Fianna Fail fundraiser in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk, on the 1st July 2008.

Sean Gallagher , who I had never met previous to this, contacted me by phone. He first phoned me on the 6th June 2008 and invited me to attend the above fundraiser. In the course of the call he requested a donation of €5,000.00 for Fianna Fail. He advised me that this type of fundraising would replace the annual Galway Tent Fundraiser. In return for the €5,000.00 donation I was promised a private audience with the Taoiseach and I would get a photograph taken with him.

He told me that the Taoiseach would give an up-date on the economy in the South which in his words was 'beginning to wobble'

On the 9th June he again phoned me to confirm my attendance . I confirmed that I would attend and was prepared to give the donation he requested. He left two mobile phone numbers for me to contact him on these numbers are 0878293028 and 0879763122.

On the 27th June Sean Gallagher visited my business premises at Killean, County Armagh. I wrote a cheque for €5,000.00 and gave it to him personally. The cheque number is 13014. I still have the stub of the cheque , This payment is declared in my Company accounts and was cleared through my bank on the 1st July 2008.

I then attended the fundraiser which was also attended by other businessmen from South Armagh, North Louth and across the Northeast. Sean Gallagher greeted the guests on arrival and directed us to the room at the top of the Hotel where the fundraiser was held.

Brian Cowen gave a speech on the economy and predicted a soft landing. At the end of the night Sean Gallagher introduced me to Brian Cowen and facilitated a photograph to be taken of myself and him. Approximately one week later Sean Gallagher called back to my business and gave me the photograph.

It is a fact that approximately fourteen years ago I was convicted of tax evasion in relation to fuel smuggling in Northern Ireland. As a consequence to that, I have repaid the Exchequer and paid a substantial fine. I was never investigated by CAB or any other agency in the Republic.

Since that time I have developed a successful international business known as Morgan Fuels.

I employ over eighty people in Ireland ,both North and South. I have business interests in Ireland , Britan and Europe and the Morgan Fuel card can be used up to 4,000 service stations in fourteen countries across Europe.I am also the official sponsor of the Armagh County teams of the GAA.

Next SDLP Leader Odds On Paddy Power

Patsy McGlone 2/1
Conal McDevitt 2/1
Alasdair McDonnell 5/2
Alec Attwood 7/2

Monday, 24 October 2011

Irish Times Opinion Poll Next Irish President

Sean Gallagher 40%
Michael D Higgins 25%
Martin McGuinness 15%
David Norris 8%
Gay Mitchell 6%
Dana 3%
Mary Davis 3%

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Sunday Times Opinion Poll Next Irish President

Sean Gallagher 38%
Michael D Higgins 26%
Martin McGuinness 17%
Gay Mitchell 8%
David Norris 6%
Mary Davis 3%
Dana 2%

RedC/Sunday Business Post Next Irish President Opinion Poll

Sean Gallagher 40%
Michael D Higgins 26%
Martin McGuinness 13%
David Norris 10%
Mitchell 6%
Dana 3%
Davis 2%

Tories At It Again Over Europe

Somethings in life never change. The Pope is always a catholic, bears defecate in the woods. And you can always rely on Tories to start ripping lumps out of each other over the subject of Europe. This time its a vote in the House of Commons on a referendum on EU membership. Cue lots of backbench Tory MP's foaming at the mouth at David Cameron and his government. You would almost feel sorry for Cameron and then you remember what a smug repulsive twit he is and then you don't. A poll has been published in the Daily Express that should give the Tory Rebels some backbone. The biggest laugh of course must go to William Hague who seems to have gone native at the Foreign Office what a turn around from the man who once made a whole General Election campaign about "Saving The Pound" when he was the Tory party leader. Monday at the House of Commons should be a proper hoot.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Paddy Power Next Irish President Latest Odds

Sean Gallagher 5/6
Michael D Higgins 5/6
Martin McGuinness 22/1
Gay Mitchell 40/1
David Norris 50/1
Mary Davis 80/1
Dana 250/1

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Irish Times Columnist Calls For Votes For All Irish Citizens No Matter Where They Live

Fintan O'Toole has said in his Irish Times column. "Allowing all Irish citizens, wherever they live, to vote in the presidential election would make that election much more interesting. It wouldn’t just be another ballot, it would be a different kind of democracy."

Ivory Tower News

Jim Allister the TUV leader is worried about the lack of Protestants in third level education in the Six Counties. He was responding to figures from the Department of Employment and Learning which showed that just a third of the 35,000 students attending local universities are Protestant.
There are considerably more Catholic students at the two universities. "Of particular concern to me is the Jordanstown campus whereas there are 3,800 students from a Protestant background from NI, there are 6,600 from a Catholic background," he said. Of course protestants from here are still going to University its just they are going to Universities in England and Scotland. Many of them will never return prefering to start careers and families in England and Scotland than to return to the Six Counties. And that is what really upsets politicians like Jim Allister not so much a protestant brain drain as a unionist middle-class vote drain.

Monday, 17 October 2011

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

Irish presidential candidate Sean Gallagher with former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern.

The SNP Hope To Increase Party Membership By 20,000

It currently has 18,965 members, a dramatic increase on 2003, when it had only 9,450 people among its ranks.
However, numbers have soared during the party’s years in government at Holyrood, with almost 1,000 joining since the party’s Scottish Parliament victory four months ago, when it won an outright majority. SNP business convener Derek Mackay said: “Over the conference, we will set out a series of initiatives to increase membership to 38,000 and to welcome new people from all backgrounds to the party.
“From Selkirk to Shetland, the SNP are Scotland’s party and we welcome anyone who wants to see the best for Scotland and who wants to play their part in taking Scotland forward.
“There is a myth that membership of political parties is falling. It may be true in other parties, but it doesn’t apply to the SNP.”

Sunday, 16 October 2011

More Protests Against Rupert Murdoch

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Support For Scottish Independence At 49%

According to a new opinion poll in the Independent On Sunday newspaper conducted by ConRes support for Scottish Independence stands at 49%.

Sunday Independent Opinion Poll On Next Irish President

Michael D Higgins 36%
Sean Gallagher 29%
Martin McGuinness 13%
David Norris 10%
Gay Mitchell 6%
Mary Davis 4%
Dana 2%

Michael D Higgins Supports Voting Rights

Speaking during a visit to Derry the Irish Labour Party candidate for President. Addressing the issue of voting rights for people in Northern Ireland in certain elections in the South, Mr Higgins stated, "For my part, I very much welcome the fact that the Government of the Republic are planning a major Constitutional review for early next year, and I believe the issue of voting rights should and can be addressed in that forum."

Red C Opinion Poll Next Irish President

Sean Gallagher 39%
Michael D Higgins 27%
Martin McGuinness 13%
Gay Mitchell 8%
David Norris 7%
Mary Davis 4%
Dana 2%

Friday, 14 October 2011

Liam Fox Resigns From Cabinet

Liam Fox the Defence Secretary in the Con/Dem alliance has resigned from the cabinet.

Paddy Power Latest Odds On The Next Irish President

Michael D Higgins 2/5
Sean Gallagher 5/2
Martin McGuinness 14/1
Mary Davis 25/1
David Norris 33/1
Gay Mitchell 33/1
Dana/Rosemary Scallon 250/1

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

500 New Jobs For Scotland

A SWISS banking software firm is to create hundreds of high-skilled jobs in an investment package for Scotland worth up to £15 million.
First Minister Alex Salmond announced the scheme, which will see the jobs created at a new development centre in Edinburgh for Zurich-based Avaloq, a specialist provider of software to banks and financial institutions across the world. Mr Salmond, speaking at the launch of the scheme, said Avaloq's decision to base itself in the Scottish capital was "testament to the high quality of Scottish education" and enhanced the strength of the city's international reputation for finance and IT services.

He said: "I take great pleasure in welcoming Avaloq to our capital city and this is exactly the sort of investment that's welcome.

"This is a substantial number of training positions being created by a well-respected international software company, whose solutions are used by dozens of banks in more than 20 countries worldwide."

Mr Salmond added Scotland and Switzerland "have a great deal to offer" by working together on investments such as the Avaloq plans for an Edinburgh base.

Mr Fernandez said: "A key factor in our success story has been people, people and people. We have found the right people here in Scotland. It's very important to have the best engineers in the world."

Simon Kauth, Avaloq head of development for Scotland, said: "People may ask themselves why move to Edinburgh when there are so many other places to go.

"We thought about Brazil and the Philippines, but we decided to go to Scotland.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Sweet Sixteen

The SNP want to give Sixteen year olds the vote just in time to vote in any independence referendum. Which would add around 125,000 new voters to the electorate in Scotland. It is a great move by Alex Salmond as opinion polls show support for Scottish Independence is at its strongest amongst Scotlands youth. Young people in Jersey and The Isle of Man can already vote at the age of Sixteen in elections. In Austria and Brazil 16 year olds can vote as well.

Senior Liberal Democrat Begs Party Members Not To Defect To The SNP

Michael Moore the Liberal Democrat has pleaded with his party members not to defect to the SNP. Already some party members have made that political journey. And Mr Moore must fear what starts as a trickle may become a flood. Many Liberal Democrats living in Scotland are said to be unhappy that their party has gone into political partnership with David Cameron's Tory party. Alex Salmond the SNP party leader has already put out the welcome mat for them by praising the great traditions of Liberalism. And this Blog says he is right to do so.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Mary Davis Calls For Voting Rights For Those Living In The North

On a visit to Belfast earlier this week the Irish Presidential candidate Mary Davis said "I'm in favour of a discussion about anyone holding an Irish passport, particularly people living in Northern Ireland, to be able to vote in the Irish presidential election."We're constantly promoting greater cross-border co-operation, so it makes sense to me to make more people connected and extending voting rights to Northern Ireland is a way of doing that."

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Next Irish President The Latest Odds On Paddy Power

Michael D Higgins 4/7
Sean Gallagher 2/1
Martin McGuinness 12/1
Mary Davis 16/1
David Norris 33/1
Gay Mitchell 40/1
Dana/Rosemary Scallon 100/1

Friday, 7 October 2011

Irish Times Opinion Poll Party Strengths

FG 35% -3
Lab 17% -1
FF 16% -2
SF 18% +8
Grn 2% nc
Oth 12% -2

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Irish Presidential Election My Thoughts So Far

Martin McGuinness is not doing so well with women voters.His political powerbase seems to be the young male unemployed. David Norris is doing well considering all the mud that has been thrown at him and I am pretty sure there is more still to come.Nobody has laid a finger on Michael D Higgins the media treat him like everyones favourite grandfather.And Gay Mitchell just comes across as a nasty piece of work in all the debates.And Mary Davis with her links to Bertie Ahern and Denis O'Brien. Dana has made some good points in debate and may take some votes of Gay Mitchell who maybe just to Pro-Europe for a Country that might be turning slightly sceptic over the EU.

Star Trek Actor Colm Meaney Endorses Martin McGuinness For Irish President

Colm Meaney has endorsed Martin McGuinness for Irish President on the Pat Kenny Show on RTE Radio this morning.The Irish actor has starred in many Hollywood hits such as The Commitments and Con Air. As well as appearing on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

RedC Opinion Poll For Paddy Power

Who Should Be The Next Irish President?

Michael D Higgins 25%
Sean Gallagher 21%
Martin McGuinness 16%
David Norris 14%
Gay Mitchell 10%
Mary Davis 9%
Dana 5%

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Irish Times Presidential Opinion Poll Results

Michael D Higgins: 23%(+5)
Sean Gallagher: 20%(+7)
Martin McGuinness: 19%(-)
Mary Davis: 12% (no change)
David Norris: 11% (-14)
Gay Mitchell: 9%(-11)
Dana Rosemary Scallon: 6% (-)

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

TV3 Irish Presidential Debate Online Poll Result

Martin McGuinness 34%
David Norris 19%
Sean Gallagher 15%
Michael D Higgins 13%
Gay Mitchell 8%
Dana 6%
Mary Davis 5%

UUP MLA Refuses To Help Constituents Who Did Not Vote For Him

A UUP MLA is under investigation after challenging constituents over their failure to vote.

By doing so, Upper Bann MLA Sam Gardiner revealed that he was checking electoral records to see whether those who contacted him for help had voted.
The Electoral Office confirmed that it is investigating the UUP veteran, over his use of electoral registers.
The case centres on allegations by two of Mr Gardiner’s constituents – Peter Marks and Dylan Lyness – that the MLA refused to help them when they asked for assistance and that on both occasions the reason given was that they had not voted in May’s Assembly elections.

Monday, 3 October 2011

The Late Late Show Debate Online Poll For Paddy Power

Martin McGuinness 46.2%
Sean Gallagher 14.2%
David Norris 11.1%
Michael D Higgins 10.3%
Gay Mitchell 6.4%
Mary Davis 2.9%

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Murdo Frasers Potential New Names For The Scottish Tories

1. Scottish Unionists
2. Scottish Reform Party
3. Progressive Conservatives
4. Caledonia
5. Scotland First
6. Scotland Forward

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Next President Of Ireland Odds On Paddy Power

Michael D Higgins 4/7
David Norris 4/1
Martin McGuinness 9/2
Gay Mitchell 8/1
Mary Davis 9/1
Sean Gallagher 40/1
Dana 50/1

Friday, 30 September 2011

Orangeism Is A Cult According To Tom Elliott

"A cult is part of a culture and if that's what Orangeism is then so be it. There are loads of other organisations that you could call a cult, like your local Mothers Union or Women's Institute, just the same as the GAA would be or any other organisation," so says Tom Elliott the Ulster Unionist party leader. He made his remarks after Facebook the Social Networking site closed down a page used by Fermanagh Orangemen for breaking the websites terms and conditions of use.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

David Norris Refuses To Answer Journalists Questions

Offaly County Council Backs Dana For Irish President

Dana also known as Rosemary Scallon the former MEP has now won the support of 4 County Councils enough to get her nominated as a candidate for Irish President.

Odds On The Next Irish President From Paddy Power

Michael D Higgins 5/4
David Norris 9/4
Martin McGuinness 7/2
Gay Mitchell 7/1
Mary Davis 11/1
Dana/Rosemary Scallon 40/1
Sean Gallagher 40/1

Sunday, 25 September 2011

David Cameron Treats Scotland Like Slovenia According To Jim Murphy

Jim Murphy the Shadow Defence Secretary has hit out at David Cameron he said“He’s got to engage a bit more in Scotland. He’s got to travel a few hundred miles north as well. He’s the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and he shouldn’t behave like a foreign visiting dignitary when he goes to Scotland, which is what the temptation is,” he said.
“He comes up and he stands in front of a British flag and a Scottish flag as if he is visiting Slovenia. Scotland is not bloody Slovenia.”

A spokesman for the First Minister said: “The Unionist parties are fighting each other like ferrets in a sack – no wonder support for independence is moving ahead in the polls.
“The Scottish government have no desire to intrude into the private grief of these London parties, who are losing the place and fast losing the constitutional debate in Scotland.”

New Opinion Poll On Next Irish President

Sunday Business Post Opinion Poll

David Norris 21%
Michael D Higgins 18%
Martin McGuinness 16%
Gay Mitchell 13%
Mary Davis 13%
Sean Gallagher 11%

Saturday, 24 September 2011

RTE Online Poll Next Irish President

David Norris 27%
Michael D Higgins 18%
Martin McGuinness 15%
Mary Davis 15%
Sean Gallagher 11%
Gay Mitchell 10%
Dana 4%

Sarah Palin Had A One Night Stand With A Future NBA Star According To A New Book

According to a new book written by Joe McGinniss, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with Glen Rice the future NBA basketball star. The sexual encounter happened when he was a college basketball star and she was a Tv Sports anchor in Alaska. The book also says Sarah Palin once had a six month long sexual affair with her husband Todd's then business partner. And that Sarah Palin once snorted cocaine of a 55 gallon oil drum.

New Odds On The Next Irish President From Paddy Power Bookmakers

Michael D Higgins 5/4
Martin McGuinness 2/1
David Norris 3/1
Gay Mitchell 5/1
Mary Davis 16/1
Sean Gallagher 40/1
Dana/ Rosemary Scallon 40/1

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Latest Odds On The Next Irish President From Paddy Power

Michael D Higgins 6/5
Martin McGuinness 5/2
David Norris 7/2
Gay Mitchell 9/2
Mary Davis 16/1
Sean Gallagher 28/1
Rosemary Scallon/Dana 40/1

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Splits In Scottish Unionism Start To Show

Jim Murphy the shadow defence secretary has said he will not be sharing any platform during a Scottish Independence Referendum campaign with David Cameron the Tory party leader. So the splits in Scottish Unionism start to show.Mr Murphy has also said that he “wasn’t born into a Union Jack-waving family” It makes you wonder how they will all get along when the actual campaign gets started?

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

RTE Liveline Mobile Telephone Text Poll

Who Should Be The Next President Of Ireland?
Sean Gallagher 1,290
Dana 1,424
Michael D Higgins 2,194
Mary Davis 2,314
Gay Mitchell 2,688
David Norris 5,732
Martin McGuinness 5,947

Betfair Odds On The Next Irish President

Michael D Higgins 11/10
Gay Mitchell 4/1
Martin McGuinness 4/1
Mary Davis 14/1

Monday, 19 September 2011

Jeremy Paxman Attacks SNP Over English Riots

Speaking about the recent English riots the BBC's Newsnight presenter wrote: "The BBC told its staff that henceforth they were to describe the disturbances not as 'British' but as 'English'. Anyone familiar with the corporation's nervous system will have instantly detected a response to Celtic whinges."

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Kelvin MacKenzie Has Yet Another Anti-Scottish Rant

Kelvin MacKenzie wrote in his Daily Mail column "That great lump of Scottish lard Alex Salmond - he's put on 20lb in the past five years - was claiming on the BBC news that a minute fall in unemployment over the Border was down to his policies.
"Has he been on the Charles Kennedy lotion? The fact that anybody is in work in Scotland is due almost entirely to the wealth created by clever and resourceful people in England."

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Paddy Power Latest Odds On The Next Irish President

Michael D Higgins 8/11
Gay Mitchell 3/1
Martin McGuinness 9/2
David Norris 8/1
Mary Davis 14/1
Sean Gallagher 16/1

Friday, 16 September 2011

Social Democrats Gain Power In Denmark

Near-complete official results showed a left-leaning bloc led by Social Democrat Helle Thorning-Schmidt would gain a narrow majority in the 179-seat Parliament, ousting liberal Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen's centre-right coalition. Helle Thorning-Schmidt is married to Stephen Kinnock the son of former British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock.

Martin McGuinness To Be The Sinn Fein Candidate For Irish President

The Deputy First Minister is expected to be announced as the Sinn Fein candidate for Irish President on Sunday.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The SNP Invest 70 Million Pounds In Green Energy

Alex Salmond says "I'm pleased to welcome the renewables industry to Scotland because we are a nation with considerable natural and human resources and the political will needed to deliver a green energy revolution that can build sustainable economic recovery and reduce Europe's carbon emissions
"The Scottish Parliament has condemned the UK Government's refusal to give unrestricted access to Scotland's £191 million Fossil Fuel Levy funds. Together with industry, we must and we will continue to press the Treasury to release these funds now due to Scotland. They remain vital for the development of offshore wind and marine power, for heat networks and technology to deliver our renewable heat targets; and vital too for our communities, so they can invest in and benefit from the green economy
"However, the offshore wind industry is seeking leadership and immediate support from government and the Scottish Government is determined to provide that, as we have done for the last three years. Today I am delighted to announce - and open for business - Scotland's £70 million National Renewables Infrastructure Fund. The fund covers infrastructure relating to manufacturing and test demonstration facilities
"Our National Renewables Infrastructure Plan has already established the most immediate needs. Together with Scottish Enterprise and Highlands & Islands Enterprise, we are determined to stimulate the market and act decisively to trigger vital capital investment and launch the next phase of Scotland's renewables revolution."

Monday, 12 September 2011

Fugitive Fraudster Who Gave Liberal Democrats 2.4 Million Pounds Tracked Down

Convicted fraudster Michael Brown has been tracked down to the Dominican Republic. Brown was sentenced in his absence to seven years in prison after being convicted of fraud at Southwark crown court in 2008. One of his victims was Martin Edwards the former Manchester United Chairman who handed over 8 million to Mr Brown. Mr Brown donated 2.4 million pounds to the Liberal Democrats in 2005 the largest donation the party had ever recieved.He escaped justice using a fake passport supplied to him by a convicted drug smuggler.

Tories In The Pocket Of Property Developers

David and Simon Reuben, billionaires who own Millbank Tower in Westminster, have given almost £500,000 to the Conservative Party over the past decade, while Terence Cole, a London-based developer, donated almost £300,000. IM Properties, which is expanding Birch Coppice Business Park, near Tamworth, Staffs, has given around £1 million since 2009.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Ursula von der Leyen A United States Of Europe

German Minister of Labour, the Christian Democrat Ursula von der Leyen, believes that the crisis in the euro zone can only be overcome by developing the continent’s political union with the creation of a United States of Europe.
“My goal is the United States of Europe following the example of other federal states such as Switzerland, Germany or the U.S.,” she said.

Alex Salmond Supports Wind Turbines In Scotland

The Scottish First Minister said “I believe this is a chance to re-industrialise this country, using technology in which we lead the world.
“What I would say to people is that (our policy) was not a secret at the election, it was one of the key points that I was putting forward.
“I understand and know that many people are so opposed to wind turbines but I hope that they understand that there is a body of opinion that these technologies hold one of the absolute keys for the future of this country, which is why we are passionately committed to it.”

Red C Opinion Poll For Paddy Power

Who Should Be The Next Irish President?

Michael D Higgins 36%
Gay Mitchell 24%
Sean Gallagher 21%
Mary Davis 19%

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Alex Salmond Sets Out His Plans To Holyrood Today

Alex Salmond is expected today to lay out his plans for a minimum price for spirits, wines, beers and ciders. He has the support of doctors,police chiefs and those groups that deal with alcohol addiction. It is one of a dozen bills due to be presented before the Holyrood Parliament this afternoon by the Scottish First Minister. Including setting up a single police service for Scotland.

Monday, 5 September 2011

New Opinion Poll On Scottish Independence

The latest TNS-BMRB poll, published today by The Herald, shows those who would vote Yes for independence ahead by 39% to 38% who would vote No. With 23% saying they are unsure both sides can claim everything is to play for in any upcoming Independence Referendum.

New IPSOS/MORI Opinion Poll Shows SNP Miles Ahead In Scotland

Holyrood constituency: CON 13%, LAB 28%, LDEM 7%, SNP 49%
Westminster: CON 15%, LAB 33%, LDEM 6%, SNP 42%

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Is Murdo Fraser The Last Leader of The Scottish Tories?

Murdo Fraser plans to disband the Scottish Conservative Party should he become its leader next month.And to set up a new right wing party to replace it.The former Tory Scottish Secretary, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, described Mr Fraser's plans as "healthy" and "refreshing" and said his ideas should be given "serious consideration".
He said: "What is very, very healthy is that Murdo Fraser is not just raising this after he has been elected. He is saying if you want me as your leader this is the kind of way in which I wish to lead the centre-right cause in Scotland.
"He is saying this is not about one individual, this is an opportunity for the people who are Conservatives in Scotland to decide what is the future of the union and of centre-right politics.
"He is offering a very refreshing new start."
A separate party for a separate country is the conclusion that some will draw. Michael Forsyth, who served as Scottish Secretary from 1995 to 1997, argued: "I think the strategy is one of appeasement of the nationalists and I think it is one that will fail. Any policy which appeases nationalists is damaging to the union by definition."

Saturday, 3 September 2011

John Cleese claims London is "no longer an English city"

The Comedian John Cleese claims London is no longer a English City. He made the comments during an Australian TV interview with ABC's Chris Uhlmann for the 7.30 show. "That's how they got the Olympics, they said 'we're the most cosmopolitan city on Earth'. But it doesn't feel English.

"I had a Californian friend come over two months ago, walk down the King's Road and said to me, 'Well, where are all the English people?'

"I love having different cultures around but when the parent culture kind of dissipates you are left thinking, 'well, what's going on?'" Mr Cleese is a well known supporter of the Liberal Democrats in Britain and has even made party political broadcasts for them in the past. He also claims he could not afford to live in England due to high taxes.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Paddy Power New Odds On The Next Irish President

Michael D Higgins 8/13
Gay Mitchell 11/4
Mary Davis 10/1
Sean Gallagher 10/1
Martin McGuinness 25/1
Eamon O'Cuiv 25/1
Martin McAleese 33/1
Dana/Rosemary Scallon 40/1

The Republican Party In Arizona's Idea Of A Raffle Prize

In January this year Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords survived a attack from a man armed with a similar type of weapon. Six other people were not so lucky. Including a federal Judge John Rolls. Yet the Republican Party in Congresswoman Giffords district consider this gun a worthy prize in a raffle. Yes for $10 you can purchase a ticket in this prize draw. The GOP in Giffords' home district is "showing a shocking lack of judgment and sensitivity," Jeff Rogers, chairman of the Pima County Democratic Party, said Thursday. "The wounds are still healing (from the shooting), and this is like pulling a scab off a wound."

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Scots Better Off Than English Under A SNP Government

The gulf in state spending between Scotland and England has hit a record £1,600 per head. Government spending in Scotland averaged £10,212 per person last year – £1,624 per head more than in England. The figures, buried in Treasury documents, reveal the gap increased by more than 15 per cent in only a year. Figures in the Treasury's annual Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses show total public spending per head in Scotland last year was £10,212, compared to only.£8,588 in England. The gap widened from £1,409 to £1,624 – a amazing rise of 15.2 per cent in just one year.