Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Rick Santorum Gets Secret Service Protection

Washington - Starting today, Rick Santorum will officially get Secret Service protection. The aspiring Republican presidential candidate will be followed by agents of the US Department of Homeland Security (employed until 2003 by the Treasury Department). Dedicated to investigating currency conterfeiters, the Secret Service traditionally protect the president the vice president and their families as well as his current or aspiring rivals, as it is now the case with Rick Santorum.

Saturday, 25 February 2012


That's the portion of office space in Dublin, Ireland,that was leased or acquired by U.S. businesses in the past year, according to Bloomberg analysis of CBRE Group data. American companies are streaming into the Irish capital - spurred by lower rents and labour costs, as well as new government initiatives designed to attract investment. U.S. companies leased or bought about nine times more space in Dublin last year than in 2007.

Interesting Article By Paddy Duffy From Irishcentral


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Sheldon Adelson May Give Newt Gingrich 100 Million Dollars

According to Forbes Magazine Sheldon Adelson says he might give 100 million dollars to Newt Gingrich. Or any of the other Republican Party candidates for president apart from Congressman Ron Paul. Forbes Magazine also say Sheldon Adelson could if he so wanted donate 1 Billion dollars to a candidate and not even notice.

SNP Attack Workfare For Disabled People

An SNP MSP is backing Inclusion Scotland in condemning the UK Government’s proposed Workfare Scheme for disabled people as a farce.

Bob Doris SNP MSP for Glasgow is disgusted that The DWP is currently considering proposals to force long term sick and disabled people to work unpaid or have their benefits cut.

Mr Doris said: 

“If the UK Government press on with plans to compel terminally ill cancer patients and those with disabilities and mental health issues into long term compulsory unpaid work or to lose benefits is simply unacceptable.

“For the DWP to call this an 'incentive' is simply farcical and like so much of its welfare reforms the UK Government need to think again before significant and long term damage is done to many of Scotland's most vulnerable groups.

“If work and pensions were devolved to the Scottish Parliament we would be able to have a system based on fairness that meets the needs and demands of everyone in Scotland including the most needy and sick people who are limited in their ability to work.”

Inclusion Scotland’s Chief Executive, Bill Scott, said:

“Disabled people fought for their freedom and most of the old institutions have now been closed.  But it seems as though even though we are now allowed to live amongst the non-disabled we are still to be forced to work for nothing as a penalty for being different. 

“I thought that slavery had ended over 200 years ago but forcing anyone to work for nothing is just that.  We also have real fears that this could damage some people’s health – particularly those with mental health issues and variable conditions like Multiple Sclerosis."

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Rick Santorum Opposes Internet Gambling

Rick Santorum says "I’m someone who takes the opinion that gaming is not something that is beneficial, particularly having that access on the Internet. Just as we’ve seen from a lot of other things that are vices on the Internet, they end to grow exponentially as a result of that. It’s one thing to come to Las Vegas and do gaming and participate in the shows and that kind of thing as entertainment, it’s another thing to sit in your home and have access to that it. I think it would be dangerous to our country to have that type of access to gaming on the Internet.
Freedom’s not absolute. What rights in the Constitution are absolute? There is no right to absolute freedom. There are limitations. You might want to say the same thing about a whole variety of other things that are on the Internet — “let everybody have it, let everybody do it.” No. There are certain things that actually do cost people a lot of money, cost them their lives, cost them their fortunes that we shouldn’t have and make available, to make it that easy to do. That’s why we regulate gambling. You have a big commission here that regulates gambling, for a reason."

No wonder Sheldon Adelson is throwing more money Newt Gingrich's way.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Sheldon Adelson To Give Newt Gingrich's Campaign 10 Million Dollars

Sheldon Adleson and his family have already given $11 million to "Winning our Future," the super PAC which is backing Gingrich. The group, which bombarded the airwaves in South Carolina last month ahead of the primary there, is largely credited with helping Newt Gingrich win in the Palmetto state. And the Huffington Post website say he could give another 4 million dollars bringing his donations to Newt Gingrichs campaign up to a cool 25 million dollars.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Dave Mustaine Backs Rick Santorum For President

"I'm just hoping that whatever is in the White House next year is a Republican. I can't bear to watch what's happened to our great country. Everybody's got their head in the sand. Everybody in the industry is like, 'Oh, Obama's doing such a great job...' I don't think so. Not from what I see.
"Looking at the Republican candidates, I've got to tell you, I was floored the other day to see that Mitt Romney's five boys have a $100 million trust fund. Where does a guy make that much money? So there's some questions there. And watching Newt Gingrich, I was pretty excited for a while, but now he's just gone back to being that person that everybody said he was – that angry little man. I still like him, but I don't think I'd vote for him.
"Ron Paul… you know, I heard somebody say he was like insecticide – 98 percent of it's inert gases, but it's the two percent that's left that will kill you. What that means is that he'll make total sense for a while, and then he'll say something so way out that it negates everything else. I like the guy because he knows how to excite the youth of America and fill them in on some things. But when he says that we're like the Taliban… I'm sorry, Congressman Paul, but I'm nothing like the Taliban.
"Earlier in the election, I was completely oblivious as to who Rick Santorum was, but when the dude went home to be with his daughter when she was sick, that was very commendable. Also, just watching how he hasn't gotten into doing these horrible, horrible attack ads like Mitt Romney's done against Newt Gingrich, and then the volume at which Newt has gone back at Romney… You know, I think Santorum has some presidential qualities, and I'm hoping that if it does come down to it, we'll see a Republican in the White House... and that it's Rick Santorum."

Adelson Makes 3.3 Million An Hour

Sheldon Adelson is worth 21.5 Billion which makes him America's 8th richest person. In 2011 alone, Adelson made $7 billion,according to Forbes
. That translates to about $134.6 million a week, or $19.2 million a day, assuming a 7-day work week. Assuming a 40-hour work week, Adelson reaped $3.3 million an hour. At that rate, it would take him less than two hours to make the $5 million needed to alter the race.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Sean Penn Blasts Britain Over The Falkland Islands

Sean Penn met with Argentine President Cristina Kirchner on Monday and then urged Britain to join U.N.-sponsored talks over what he called "the Malvinas Islands of Argentina."
Sean Penn says "the world today is not going to tolerate any ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology."

Friday, 10 February 2012

James McClean Joins Republic Of Ireland Team

Derry man James McClean who plays in midfield for Sunderland has opted to play for the Republic Of Ireland. This and other young players from the Six Counties deciding to play for the ROI team has upset Nigel Dodds of the DUP. Nigel has even asked the British and Irish Governments to intervene to stop it ever happening again. Yet Nigel does not seem to upset by Alec Bruce leaving the Republic Of Ireland set-up to join the Northern Ireland team.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Numbers Game

2008 Mitt Romney: 42,218 votes
2012 Mitt Romney: 22,875 votes
2008 Mitt Romney: 25,990 votes
2012 Mitt Romney: 8,096 votes
2008 Mitt Romney: 172,329 votes
2012 Mitt Romney: 63,826 votes

Monday, 6 February 2012

SNP Call For Jeffrey Archer To Be Stripped Of His Peerage

A SNP MP has called for Lord Archer to be removed from the House Of Lords. This follows the removal of the knighthood of Fred Goodwin the former Chief Executive of the Royal Bank Of Scotland.Pete Wishart also calls for Mike Watson to have his peerage stripped of him as well.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Missouri Breaks For Santorum?

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum could win Missouri in yet another twist in the Republican Campaign. The Social conservative has fought a pretty clean fight and comes across as a decent family man when compared to Romney or Gingrich. The Show Me State might just show the race for the Republican nomination is not over yet.